What the Armor Names Mean in World of Tanks

There are various names for armor on your tank, here’s what they all mean.

Knowing what the armor names mean in World of Tanks is an important step towards understanding how the game works. By knowing what these names refer to, you will be able to quickly understand a tank’s strengths and weaknesses. The armor on the outside of the tank is obviously used to protect the crew inside, but sometimes a tank may have a stronger glacis armor than turret armor. Due to these subtle differences, it’s important to know what glacis armor is in order to properly angle your tank and maximize the armor. To help, we've outlined all of the various armor names and how they impact your tank in World of Tanks.

Turret Armor

The T34 has a large turret, but it's well protected thank to its armor.
The T34 has a large turret, but it's well- protected thank to its armor.

The turret armor is the part of the tank that the main gun is mounted to. Turret armor can come in a variety of different styles, from sloped and angled, to rounded and one-sided. Some tank destroyers have a single sheet of turret armor that appears as a shield, while most of the other tanks utilize a fully-armored and traversing turret.

Hull Armor

First, the hull armor is one of the most all-encompassing armor terms, as it refers to practically everything on the tank that is not the turret. Typically, the hull of a tank is considered anything below the turret and the main gun. The main hull of the tank includes the side of the hull (or the side armor), as well as the glacis armor. However, glacis armor is a bit more specific. 

Glacis Armor

The Panther mit 8,8cm has prominent glacis armor.
The Panther mit 8,8cm has prominent glacis armor.

The glacis armor on a tank is its frontal armor. This armor makes up the front fortifications of a tank, and is quite often the thickest part of the tank, as it's typically the section facing an enemy. However, this doesn’t mean you should face an enemy front-on, as armor-piercing rounds are specifically designed to penetrate this sort of armor.

The glacis armor can also be split into two distinct sections: upper glacis armor and lower glacis armor. A good example of this is on the Panther mit 8,8cm L-71. As you can see, the upper and lower glacis armor creates a point at the front of the tank, which adds more variables that your enemies will need to take into account when shooting the front of the vehicle.

Spaced Armor

Spaced armor isn’t immediately obvious as it is actually used to describe a sort of armor that utilizes two pieces of alloy to create an inner and outer shielding, thus creating a space. This spaced armor adds an extra layer of protection, and is historically effective at fending off HEAT shells. A lot of the time, the projectile explodes on the outer plates before reaching the inner plates.

Skirting Armor

The Pz Kpfw IV Ausf H has an impressive amount of skirting armor protecting its tracks.
The Pz Kpfw IV Ausf H has an impressive amount of skirting armor protecting its tracks.

While skirting isn’t included on all tanks, it’s extremely evident on the Pz Kpfw IV Ausf H, a tank with an incredible history. As you can see, the Pz IV has large plates protecting the tracks on the side of the tank. As covered in our Tip of the Tank for the Pz Kpfw IV Ausf H, it’s important to take advantage of this armor during combat.

There are a lot of technical terms in World of Tanks, especially when it comes to armor, so it’s important to learn these terms in order to improve your World of Tanks skills. When you know your tank has better glacis armor than other areas of the hull, you will be able to angle it better, improving your chances of survival. Let us know in the comments what other types of armor you think might confuse new players!

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email, sam.chandler@allgamers.com, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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