Xbox One X games have enormous downloads

4K updates for Xbox One X games come with seriously huge  download sizes.

Eurogamer has reported that downloading updated games for the Xbox One X has sometimes involved file sizes of over 100GB. Those looking to purchase the new console should ensure they have sufficient storage and bandwidth to support the gargantuan titles.

The Coalition's Gears of War 4, for example, weighs in at a whopping 103GB,” Eurogamer reports. “343's Halo 5 is a 98.26GB without its 4K update, which adds another 15.10GB on top.”

Wowzer, those are some crazy numbers, so you’d best have an awful lot of external storage if you want to make use of the new fidelity. Other games tested include Forza 7 at 95.65GB and Quantum Break at 83.7GB — and that’s without the 75.61GB needed for the optional TV show.

The Xbox One X comes with 1TB of storage, giving you space for around 9 games before you’ll need additional, external storage. Choose your games carefully, then, as files sizes are only like to increase as 4K becomes more commonplace.