Battlefield 1 Player Lays Waste With The Villar Perosa

You won't believe the things he does with the Villar Perosa.

Whether it’s someone dominating in a tank or someone crushing an enemy team as a soldier, we at Tank War Room don’t discriminate against astounding displays of skill. This montage that was shared over at r/Battlefield_One was so good we just had to show you.

This gameplay shows Reddit user, imSepp, absolutely demolishing the enemy team using the M1918 Trench, a submachine gun and primary weapon for the Assault class. To round it off, he manages to get a hold of the Sentry Kit, giving him none other than the Villar Perosa.

With a rate of fire that will make your head spin and a disgusting amount of armor, imSepp manages to rack up almost 40 kills in a single battle.

The clip starts off with imSepp laying waste with the M1918, moving around the map with precision and grace. It’s impressive to watch him handle the recoil of the gun with such efficiency—taking quick shots and practicing good burst control.

Things really start to heat up after he secures the Villar Perosa. The dual magazine submachine gun is one of the fastest shooting guns in Battlefield 1 and should be an immediate target for any player. If you see an enemy with this Sentry Kit, work with your teammates to take them down. Luckily for imSepp, the enemy aren’t well organized, allowing imSepp to walk away with 36 kills.

For another Battlefield 1 feat worth seeing, check out this clip of a Battlefield 1 tanker scoring 8 kills in 15 seconds! If you’ve got any awesome gameplay you want to share, let us know and you might see your clip featured here, on Tank War Room!

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email,, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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