For Honor - How to Play the Warlord Class

Learn how to crush your enemies with the Warlord class in For Honor.

This guide will tell you how to play the Warlord class in For Honor. The Warlord class in For Honor is a true beast to be reckoned with, bringing to the battlefield earth-shattering attacks and a stonewall defense. The Warlord belongs to the Viking Faction, which is a contender for the best Faction in For Honor. Read on to learn how to play the Warlord class!

Defending With the Warlord Class

Thanks to his large shield, the Warlord is able to use it to block damage that would otherwise chip away at his health.
Thanks to his large shield, the Warlord in For Honor is able to use it to block damage that would otherwise chip away at his health.

In For Honor, the Warlord class comes replete with a large shield, a gladius and heavy armor. Using the shield effectively will mean very little damage coming through, leaving you capable of withstanding vast amounts of damage. Due to the Warlords slow movement, take your time to survey the battlefield before moving as making a wrong decision on where to go can cost precious time.

Attacking With the Warlord Class

With gladius and shield in hand, the Warlord class in For Honor is able to dish out a lot of damage while sustaining a lot of damage. Try using the Warlord’s headbutt to break the defense of your opponent and then follow up with a barrage of attacks. Due to the high health and shield, the Warlord is an excellent choice for pressing an attack. Just keep in mind our For Honor tips when fighting enemies, remember to use Guard Breaks to render your opponents blocks useless.

Using the Warlord in a 1v1

Thanks to the Warlord’s sword and board fighting style, he’s able to both start a fight and react to an unexpected engagement with ease. Don’t be afraid to get your head into the battle as the Warlord’s headbutt can be useful as an opening gambit. The Warlord in For Honor is always in a defensive stand, which can be useful when an enemy attempts an attack as you can quickly block and counterattack. String together the Warlord’s moveset to leave your enemy decimated.

We’re all excited for when For Honor hits our consoles and PCs on February 14, especially given the ferocity of the available characters like the incredibly versatile Shugoki class. If you read this guide, you should now know how to play the Warlord class in For Honor.

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email,, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.

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