Yooka-Laylee - All Mollycool Locations

Where to find all the Mollycools for Dr Puzz in Yooka-Laylee.

This guide will show you all Mollycool locations in Yooka-Laylee. One of the best mechanics in Yooka-Laylee is the ability to transform into a different being or object, but before you can do this you must first locate the Mollycool in each level. After finding the Mollycool, take it to Dr Puzz and she will be able to transform you into something new! The transformations can also sometimes help you're trying to find all Power Extenders or all Butterfly Boosters.

Tribalstack Tropics – World 1

Use the floating platforms near Trowzers to reach this Mollycool.
Use the floating platforms near Trowzers to reach this Mollycool.

The first Mollycool you can find in Yooka-Laylee is in the Tribalstack Tropics Grand Tome. To get this Mollycool, you will need to have the Sonar Shot skill purchased from Trowzers. Head to the center of the area and roll up onto the Temple. In the middle you will see a stone pillar, beside this pillar is a sleepy statue. Use Sonar Shot on the state to unlock the elevator and ride it to the next level. Look for the floating platforms and jump across them to reach the Mollycool.

Glitterglaze Glacier – World 2

This Mollycool is located on the right-most platform at the back. You will need to use Slurp Shot to collect it.
This Mollycool is located on the right-most platform at the back. You will need to use Slurp Shot to collect it.

The next Mollycool you can find is in the second world, Glitterglaze Glacier. Head to where Planker is just past the water and use the roll skill to head to the right-most platform, where you’ll find a grenade bush. Use Slurp Shot to swallow a grenade and then roll to the rear of the middle platform and shoot a grenade at the cracked boulder. The Mollycool can now be collected and taken to Dr Puzz.

Moodymaze Marsh – World 3

This Mollycool is found beneath the water, you will need Bubble Walk and Sonar 'Splosion to collect it.
This Mollycool is found beneath the water, you will need Bubble Walk and Sonar 'Splosion to collect it.

The third Mollycool is located in Moodymaze Marsh in the area where you must clean the water by turning the filters on for Jolly the trolley. After the water is clean, swim below the surface and look for a cylinder, inside is the Mollycool. You will need to Bubble Walk and then use Sonar ‘Splosion on top of the cage to blow away the mushrooms and free the Mollycool before you can collect it.

Capital Cashino – World 4

Win the slot machine near Dr Puzz to earn this Mollycool.
Win the slot machine near Dr Puzz to earn this Mollycool.

The Mollycool in Yooka-Laylee’s Capital Cashino world can be found right near Dr Puzz. Look for the slot machine and use Lizard Lash to pull the handle down, starting the spinners. Use Buddy Slam on the buttons to stop them on Yooka and Laylee’s face. Once all three faces are shown, you will receive the Mollycool which you can take to Dr Puzz.

Galleon Galaxy – World 5

This Mollycool is at the very top of the lighthouse.
This Mollycool is at the very top of the lighthouse.

The final Mollycool in Yooka-Laylee is found in Galleon Galaxy, on top of the lighthouse after you cross the large gap. You will need to use Flappy Flight to reach the top of the lighthouse before you can collect the Mollycool.

Finding all the Mollycools is extremely important, as using the transformations is key to unlocking all the Pagies in the game – which unlocks a Tonic! If you read this guide, you should now know all Mollycool locations in Yooka-Laylee.

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email, sam.chandler@allgamers.com, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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