Injustice 2 - How to Earn Experience and Level Up Fast

Learn the best ways to gain experience and level up each character in Injustice 2.

Players who want to improve their characters in Injustice 2 will need to know the best ways to earn experience (EXP) in order to level up their characters fast. Gaining EXP fast is rather simple if you know what you’re doing, but we’re here to help get you started.

Bonus items can’t be used in competitive play, but leveling up can still allow you to obtain certain equipment and gear items that are otherwise locked away. This guide will explain how to earn EXP and level up fast in Injustice 2 to help players reach max level with each character. 

How to Earn Experience Points in Injustice 2

Each character in Injustice 2 has a maximum level of 20. Nearly everything you do in Injustice 2 will earn you experience points, which includes playing both single-player and multiplayer features. 

Play Single Player on High Difficulty 

As we mentioned before, playing the single-player campaign will always net you some amount of EXP. However, if you want to boost your experience earnings, be sure to play single-player on a higher difficulty setting.

The game rewards players for tackling a challenge, which can ultimately earn you more experience points in a play session than if you were breezing through on easy. However, keep in mind that losses won’t improve your EXP earnings. Pick a higher difficulty that you think you can win at, otherwise you won’t be gaining additional experience as intended.

We suggest battling against a character that has lower health at level 20, someone like Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, or any of the characters with 1050 health at level 20. Set up a multiplayer match against one of these characters with a round time of 300. Select the character you wish to play as, then utilize their fastest moves and combos to eliminate your opponent as quickly as possible. This method should reward a decent amount of EXP at the end of each match. 

Wear Gear with EXP Bonuses 

There’s tons of gear in Injustice 2, and some gear will provide an EXP bonus for your character. Some gear may require you to meet certain conditions before the experience bonus is applied, while other gear will simply offer a passive Character EXP bonus while worn. Pay attention to the gear you’ve unlocked for your characters and wear the items that offer the best experience point bonus to help you level up fast in Injustice 2. 

Earn Combat Bonuses 

Injustice 2 usually grants a higher payout of experience points to skilled fighters. The game rewards you for playing well and improving your skills. If you allow yourself to get hit a lot or don’t engage your opponent often enough, your experience point earnings will suffer as a result. Try to use a plethora of powerful combos and Meter Burn special attacks if you wish to have a higher experience payout at the end of each match.

Cash in Source Crystals

When one of your characters reaches level 20 in Injustice 2, you can spend 10,000 Source Crystals to boost another character to level 20. This is something you shouldn’t take lightly, as Source Crystals are hard to come by.  If you need more Source Crystals, head over to our guide for details on how to get Source Crystals in Injustice 2.

If you want to take the easier route to level up and don’t mind spending a bit of real-world money, you can purchase additional Source Crystals to speed up the leveling process. Here is a breakdown of the purchase prices of Source Crystal bundles: 

  • 2,000 Source Crystals - $0.99
  • 11,000 Source Crystals - $4.99
  • 23,000 Source Crystals - $9.99
  • 50,000 Source Crystals - $19.99
  • 150,000 Source Crystals - $49.99 

If you followed the advice listed above, you should now know the best ways to earn experience points and level up fast in Injustice 2.


Larryn is a full-time editor who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites. She is obsessed with Witcher 3 and is known to put hot sauce on everything.


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