Firestorm is Battlefield 5's take on Battle Royale

Battlefield 5's Battle Royale mode will be called Firestorm.

Shown off in a new trailer titled "This is Battlefield V," we get a brief first glimpse of the Battle Royale mode Firestorm. From the sounds of things, this will take place on a unique map for the mode, the largest Battlefield has ever seen. In it, 16 teams of up to four players will strive to be the last side standing. True to Battlefield, this will include all the weaponry, destructibility, tanks and other vehicles we've come to expect.

From the looks of things, the name is meant to be taken more literally too. Rather than an ever closing circle of blue, Firestorm looks to surround you with, well, an enormous firestorm which burns inward, scorching everything in its path and forcing the surviving players ever closer. It looks incredibly deadly, far more so than PUBG or Fortnite's blue and storm. That said we could easily see this start off as less intense fire, first scorching the ground (and any players caught outside) before progressing into the raging inferno we see in the trailer. Either way we certainly don't want to get caught in the inferno.

We get a good look at plenty more features in the trailer, including a list of the full multiplayer modes to arrive on release. These include the standard Conquest, Conquest Assault, Frontlines and Team Deathmatch as well as the multi-stage Grand Operations which play out over multiple maps and modes. In these, a series of connected levels play out in which one side airdrops into the map before setting up a forward base on the next level then pushing on to the defending side's Final Stand level.


New mechanics DICE has previously revealed for the game are also explained in a touch more detail, including the ability to dig foxholes and build fortifications, or sprint while crouching and vault or slide past obstacles.

There's also a minor tease of some post-launch support for the game, including a new singleplayer War Stories level names The Last Tiger. The Tides of War mode will also update following launch, adding free new content to all players. The first chapter of this is titled The Fall of Europe which will add new content to the game daily and open up new levels as the event progresses.

Battlefied 5 launches on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC November 20 (purchasing the Deluxe Edition gets you access on Nov 16), but an open beta will be starting on September 6 on all platforms. This will include two of the maps revealed so far: Arctic Fjord and Rotterdam.