How to get Cayde's Exotic Stash (Preorder Bonus) in Destiny 2: Forsaken

Learn how to redeem your preorder bonus and get Cayde's Exotic Stash in Destiny 2's latest expansion, Forsaken.

These days even standalone DLC can’t escape including preorder bonuses, and Destiny 2 Forsaken is no exception on this front. Those who committed and purchased the expansion early were promised a special reward in the form of Cayde’s Exotic Stash, but earning it in-game is far from easy. In this article we’ll teach you how to retrieve your preorder bonus reward and get Cayde’s Exotic Stash in Destiny 2: Forsaken.

How to get Cayde’s Exotic Stash

© Bungie
© Bungie
  • Finish the Forsaken Campaign.
  • Visit Amanda Holliday in the Tower Hangar.

If you were hoping to get your reward right off the bat, we have some bad news. In order to claim Cayde’s Exotic Stash you first need to beat the Destiny 2: Forsaken storyline. The campaign isn’t short either, and will run most players around 6-12 hours from start to finish, though of course this is highly dependent on how willing you are to grind out a higher Power Level. If you haven't finished it yet, what are you doing reading this? Get stuck back in there!

Once you’re done avenging our beloved Cayde, you’ll finally be ready to retrieve his Exotic Stash. To do so, head to the Tower and speak to the Chief Shipwright, Amanda Holliday. You should find her in the Hangar near where Cayde used to be (it’s okay to shed a tear, folks). Speaking with her will give you the preorder bonus, Cayde’s Exotic Stash.

Opening up the Stash will reward you with four items including the Standoff Emote, Queen of Hearts Ship, Cayde’s Duds Shader and the Last Hand Ace of Spades Weapon Ornament. That’s right, you can let everyone know just how much you loved your robot buddy by equipping this gear in his memory.

That’s all there is to the Cayde’s Exotic Stash preorder bonus, but we have plenty more Destiny 2: Forsaken guides arriving on AllGamers to get you ahead with the new content. For example, here’s where to find the Wanted: Queenbreaker bounty.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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