Xur's returned to Destiny 2 for the weekend with Merciless back in stock

Xur has reared his betentacled face in Destiny 2 for the weekend, dragging with him a sack full of exotics for you to buy. The weekly merchant has hidden away in a cave on Io, inside Giant's Scar, so if you're in the market for one of these get in touch:

They all cap out at 270 power, as usual, and a couple of them are definitely worth grabbing before attempting the gauntlet of the Leviathan Raid or this week's Nightfall.

Merciless, in particular, is a pretty great way to deal with big bosses such as Emperor Calus, thanks to its perk granting you faster fusion blast charges if you land a non-lethal hit. You'll be shooting a lot of non-lethal shots at the bullet sponge so grab this if you want an easier time of it.