Can you turn off the announcer in the Blackout?

In the Blackout mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, players have been wondering whether or not you can turn off the announcer. During a Blackout match, an announcer will narrate in-game events including player deaths.

After playing through several rounds of Blackouts, players find that this announcer can be quite distracting, especially if they’re in the middle of a firefight. So, can you turn off the announcer in Blackout? Yes, and here’s how!

How to Turn Off the Announcer in Blackout

Below, we'll walk you through the steps needed to mute the announcer in the Blackout mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.
© Treyarch

In the Blackout mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, there’s an announcer that narrates various aspects of the game. This can be helpful if you’re distracted by killing a zombie, but it can also grow tiresome as the announcer never seems to shut up. As a result, players have been asking whether or not it’s possible to turn off the announcer in Blackout.

The answer to this question is yes, though it’s not a straightforward “announcer on/off” type adjustment. Instead, you’ll need to turn down something called “Voice Volume.” In doing so, you’ll mute the announcer, though you’ll also mute other aspects of the game including Blackout characters and Zombies characters. Fortunately, turning Voice Volume back up is as easy as it is to turn down.

To turn down Voice Volume and mute the announcer in Blackout, you’ll want to run through the following steps:

It should only take you a few seconds to turn down Voice Volume prior to the start of a Blackout match. After you’re done in Blackout and want to move over to Zombies, you can turn Voice Volume back up just as quickly. While the announcer can be a real pain in Blackout, it’s nice to know that it’s relatively simple to shut him up. What do you think of the announcer in Blackout? Do you love or hate him? Let us know down in the comments below!

For more on Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, be sure to check out some of our previous guides including how to unlock hidden Dark Ops challenges in Blackout, all helicopter locations in Blackout, and how to unlock new characters in Blackout.

By reading through this guide, you should now know how to mute the announcer in the Blackout mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.