The Zodiac of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

We know what you’re thinking... astrology is bunk and using it to pick Super Smash Bros. Ultimate characters is beyond ridiculous. We get it, and we don’t entirely disagree. That said, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has the largest character roster to date. If you haven’t played a Smash game in a while, it may be difficult to figure out where to start.

On the flip side, if you’re a casual fan of astrology and a hardcore Smash player, it can be fun to ponder over which characters relate to each zodiac sign. When choosing which characters to assign to each sign, we focused on a few different things. First, we took a look at the general personality types of each sign, and how that personality causes them to approach Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Then, we chose characters who fit based on personality, or characters that physically embody their related sign in regards to character design and appearance. As with anything, take this list with a grain of salt. We’re not saying you’re restricted to these specific characters, but rather that you should consider them as an option based on how they relate to your zodiac sign.

So, which Super Smash Bros. Ultimate characters should you try out based on your zodiac sign? Let’s take a closer look! For more info on where to start, also be sure to check out our feature on the best beginner characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

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Aries is a Fire sign ruled by the planet Mars and represented by the Ram. They’re often described as natural born leaders thanks to their courage, personability, energy, and strong will. When challenged, those born under the Aries sign will become fiercely competitive. In relation to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Aries will want to come prepared.

They may read through tier lists and watch videos to determine which character will suit them best. That way, when they dive into battle, they have the highest chance at succeeding. In a local co-op setting, Aries will often want to be the one selecting match parameters. As someone with a strong sense of justice, Aries is someone who plays by the rules and has zero tolerance for cheaters.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

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Taurus is an Earth sign ruled by the planet Venus and represented by the Bull. Drawn to creature comforts, Taurus are reliable, humble, calm, and adaptable. Glory isn’t their thing, but they enjoy winning and don’t take kindly to someone who rage quits before the match is over. They can play just about any Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character and will give each one a fair chance.

When partaking in a local co-op session, Taurus will be the first one to ask if the group wants to order pizza. After properly fueled, Taurus can be remarkably consistent. If Taurus is well-versed in Smash, you can expect them to snag first place just about every time. Alternatively, if they’re feeling particularly laid back that day, they may be content with second place.

As long as it’s not last place, Taurus will play a Smash marathon for as long as the rest of the group is able.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

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Gemini is an Air sign ruled by the planet Mercury and represented by the Twins. Known for their dual natures, Gemini is talkative, explorative, easily bored, and outwardly vibrant. As outgoing people, they can bounce from one person to another making small talk. If you’re looking to discuss the finer points of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Gemini are the ones to hit up.

When setting up a match, they’re the ones who choose the wildest settings. As for characters, it depends on the day. Rather than limit themselves to one character, they tend to experiment with lesser known characters. A good challenge is always up their alley. Plus, their ability to think outside the box leads them to win battles with characters others underestimate.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

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Cancer is a Water sign ruled by the Moon and represented by the Crab. Like Scorpio, Cancer can be perceived as quiet and withdrawn. However, Cancer is the type to get lost in deep thought. They’re also very mellow and while introverted, can get along with anyone. In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Cancer will be looking to have fun by playing familiar characters.

For example, they may gravitate towards Luigi and Young Link as they remind them of their childhood. Of course, new characters may also appeal to them. If there’s a way to learn more about certain Smash mechanics, they’ll pick a character like Piranha Plant. While they have an easier time winning with their favorites, they can really surprise you by adjusting and adapting as needed.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

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Leo is a Fire sign ruled by the Sun and represented by the Lion. There’s no sign more sure of themselves than Leo, and this isn’t entirely without reason. They know their limits and they strive to better themselves whenever possible. Fiercely competitive, Leo comes to win and will get very frustrated if they feel they’re playing poorly.

Leo has incredible endurance, and will give it their all right until the end. Because of this, you don’t want to write Leo off even if it looks like they’re losing. Leo will often select characters like Wolf who are known for being reliable, but may also feel the urge to play characters like Wii Fit Trainer just to prove they can win no matter what.

To add to this, Leo will avoid playing characters others find overpowered. While they want to win, they also want to win fair and square.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

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Virgo is an Earth sign ruled by the planet Mercury and represented the Virgin. Not only are Virgo calm, they have a seemingly endless amount of patience. With a huge heart and a big smile, Virgo enjoy playing games in a group setting more than they may initially let on. Because of this, they may want to avoid winning too many matches even if they have the capacity to (which they do).

Above all else, they want to enjoy the company of others. Virgo are the people you want to go to for coaching, as they have a remarkable way of explaining things. Virgo will select characters they feel are fun, but reflect a certain strength as well. They won’t go easy on their opponents when pressed, so they rely on characters who can hold their ground.

Additionally, Virgo are master strategists, meaning they view the character they choose as a whole package.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

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Libra is an Air sign ruled by the planet Venus and represented by the Scales. Libra are very knowledgeable people that seek balance and justice in life. They love to surround themselves with beauty both direct and abstract. Because of this, aesthetic, feel, and concept are important to Libra when selecting characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Additionally, they won’t want to select a character perceived as overpowered because it doesn’t strike them as fair. If a character looks good, feels good to play, and has an impressive move or two, you can bet Libra will try them out at least once. With a tendency to be indecisive, though, it may take Libra the longest to lock in a character. First, they want to see what you pick, then they’ll choose accordingly.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

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Scorpio is a Water sign ruled by the planet Pluto and represented by the Scorpion. On the surface, they come off as dark, secretive, and brooding. Underneath their tough exterior, Scorpios are passionate, intuitive, determined, and intelligent people. When it comes to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Scorpio prefers to keep an eye on how other people play in order to best their opponents.

They often wait to strike until the opportunity is right, avoiding most major battles until the end of a match. Similar to Libra, Scorpio like their characters to have a certain look to them. They'll also play the overpowered characters other signs reject, like Bayonetta. However, unlike other members of the zodiac, once a Scorpio finds a Smash character that suits them, they’ll stick with that character for better or for worse.  

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

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Sagittarius is a Fire sign ruled by the planet Jupiter and represented by the Archer. Natural vagabonds, Sagittarius love to travel and hate the feeling of stagnancy. They are happiest when exploring and feel right at home in social situations as it gives them the opportunity to meet new people. What sets Sagittarius apart from the rest of the zodiac is that no single character really defines them in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Instead, they like having a unique collection of characters that all feel different. Because they like to change things up, don’t expect them to play the same character too often. Instead, expect them to come swinging wildly with any character that strikes them. If it’s Mario, they’ll be damned sure to win as Mario.

If Mario feels too plain, they’ll try and surprise you by winning as R.O.B. and when they do they’ll say something like, “I told you I can win with anybody!”

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

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Capricorn is an Earth sign ruled by the planet Saturn and represented by the Goat. Studious, driven, and goal-oriented, Capricorns are the type of people who make lists and follow them through to completion. They can be the muscle when needed, and have an amazing poker face. Rather than have their head up in the clouds, they simply want to get things done.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Capricorn may be drawn to characters with agile movement like Sonic or Fox. On the flip side, if brute force is required, they’ll have no problem knocking you off the map with someone like Ridley or Bowser. Basically, don’t get in their way if their goal is victory because they’ll come through with whatever character serves them best.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

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Aquarius is an Air sign ruled by the planet Uranus and represented by the Water Bearer. They’re the easiest to get to know as they tend to be naturally extroverted and friendly. They love to be loved, and care deeply for others. In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, their feel most comfortable in the air and adore floaty characters like Kirby or Jigglypuff.

They also don’t like being the aggressor, so they may avoid unnecessary combat by flying around searching for a good item or two. Due to their natural talent, and experience playing the game with others, Aquarius can be quite hard to beat. This can baffle other signs, because Aquarius gravitates towards cute signs that don’t seem like much of a threat… until they are. Fortunately, Aquarius are very gracious winners.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

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Pisces is a Water sign ruled by the planet Neptune and represented by the Fish. If we had to define Pisces, we’d say they’re hands-down the nicest sign of the zodiac. Naturally likable, Pisces are empathetic dreamers with boundless creativity. In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Pisces will start by playing it safe to avoid stepping on too many toes.

Because of this, they may be drawn to non-threatening characters like Isabelle. After a few matches, Pisces may aspire to best everyone using nostalgic characters that make them happy. When in their element, Pisces has the innate ability to win with characters like Mega Man or Dr. Mario, especially if they played games featuring these characters growing up.

While they may not show it, they’re deeply emotional and want to make every match feel moving, genuine, and worthwhile.

What do you think of our list? Do you agree with the characters chosen for your zodiac sign? If not, let us know in the comments below what your zodiac sign is, what characters you like to play in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and why.

For more on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, be sure to check out some of our previous features including everything we know about World of Light in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, all Pokémon in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and Sakurai’s explanation on why Kirby was the sole survivor in the World of Light trailer for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.