The Niobe Labs puzzle - Unlocking the Bergusia Forge in Destiny 2

Update 1/9/18: Bungie revealed plans to open the Bergusia Forge to all Destiny 2 players regardless of whether or not they solve the puzzle starting today at 2 p.m. (PST) and 5 p.m. (EST). Elaborating on the decision, Bungie stated:

"While coming together as a community to solve puzzles can be fun, setting this puzzle up as a gate between you and new content that you want to play has not been an ideal experience. As such, we will be decoupling the puzzle from the final offering of the Black Armory. All Annual Pass owners will be able to experience the Bergusia Forge when the puzzle is solved or when the deadline expires – whichever happens first.

We realize that many of you have been working hard to solve the puzzle of the Niobe Labs. Whatever the outcome, it will remain open for Annual Pass owners who still want to test their problem solving skills. There is a Ghost and an Emblem to earn as evidence you completed the challenge." 

The Niobe Labs puzzle - Unlocking the Bergusia Forge

The Destiny world has been set aflame once more with a new puzzle to unlock the Bergusia Forge. It’s called Niobe Labs and once it’s completed by anyone, the final forge will unlock for all players. As it will benefit all players to complete it, the community is currently working together to best the challenge and release the final forge.

The Black Armory is a pretty recent addition to Destiny 2, giving players the chance to craft rare and powerful weapons like Le Monarque, a new exotic bow. As it stands, three forges — named Izanami, Gofannon and Volundr — have been unlocked for all players to use. The fourth forge has just arrived in the game, but its gates behind the Niobe Labs puzzle.

© Destiny 2

As we mentioned before, completing this is a universal event that will unlock the forge for all players, so understandably plenty of players are sharing tips and discoveries as they attempt to solve it. Along with notes (and memes of course) being shared on the Destiny 2 subreddit. The Twitch section for Destiny 2 is currently packed with streamers attempting to solve the puzzle.

Progressing through the mission involves solving and entering a series of codes to unlock doors. Part ARG, players have been reading wiki entries and other sources to find the answers. Players appear to have reached the final door right now and are stuck unable to find the code relating to the discovered code BROCELIANDE, which apparently links to French culture.

According to hints from the Destiny 2 devs, players have already effectively solved the puzzle but are overcomplicating the solution. We’ve embedded an ongoing stream below so you can see how far players have come.

Destiny 2 Niobe Labs Solution

Members of the Destiny 2 community have been working together to unravel a solution to the Destiny 2 Niobe Labs puzzle. Whenever progress is made, they share updates like those found on this megathread on the Destiny 2 subreddit. We're currently following all of the progress made to the Niobe Labs puzzle, and will be updating this guide with helpful information as it's revealed.

Accessing Niobe Labs 

The main entrance to Niobe Labs can be found past the Outskirts within Sojourner's Camp. Once you've entered the facility, players are instructed to bring 3 different weapons which include the Hammerhead LMG, the Spiteful Fang sniper, and the Tartara Gaze bow. These weapons appear to be the main tools required to solve the Niobe Labs puzzle. 

First Niobe Labs Puzzle

According to Reddit users, the order you shoot these symbols doesn't appear to matter. After shooting these symbols, you should hear a distinct audio cue indicating you've completed the first Niobe Labs puzzle. 

Second Niobe Labs Puzzle

As mentioned above, you will need to use the Hammerhead LMG, the Spiteful Fang bow, and the Tartara Gaze sniper to solve the Niobe Labs puzzle. During the second portion of the Niobe Labs puzzle, you will need to use these weapons in a specific order. Below, we've listed the weapon order and the symbols you'll need to shoot to solve the second Niobe Labs puzzle. 

Equip the Tartara Gaze sniper first, then stand on the specified symbol and shoot in the listed order: 

Equip the Hammerhead LMG second, then stand on the specified symbol and shoot in the listed order: 

Equip the Spiteful Fang bow last, then stand on the specified symbol and shoot in the listed order:

Once you've completed these steps, you'll then need to use the Spiteful Fang bow one last time as specified below.

After that, the second Niobe Labs puzzle will be complete. You can now locate the switch and proceed to the third Niobe Labs puzzle.

Third Niobe Labs Puzzle

Underneath the platform, you'll find a glowing blue switch as well as a monitor. On the monitor are the words, "La vraie connaissance est accordee a ceux qui attendent dans l'ombre." In translation, "True knowledge is given to those who wait in the shadows." After noting this information, you'll want to stand on the Hand symbol and shoot the letters spelling "Butterfly" in order. 

Next, the monitor will display a set of numbers as seen in this image attached to the megathread on Reddit. Upon viewing those numbers, you'll need to complete the following tasks: 

When done correctly, the monitor will then display a cipher text as seen in this image attached to the megathread on Reddit. After viewing this cipher, you'll need to complete the following tasks: 

Note that killing the Servitor will destroy the shield. 

With those steps completed, the monitor will display this image with the word "FLY" as seen in an attachment to the megathread on Reddit. With this viewed, you'll then need to complete the following step:

Next, the monitor will display this scrambled image as seen in the megathread on Reddit. Once you've taken a look at the image, you'll need to complete the following steps: 

The monitor will now display an image of colorful shapes as seen in this image posted to the Reddit megathread. Next, complete the following step to reach the next monitor clue: 

The next clue on the monitor can be seen in this image as posted to the Reddit megathread. Currently, this is where players are stuck. We'll be sure to update as soon as the community has cracked the next portion of the Niobe Labs puzzle. To track their progress, be sure to bookmark the Niobe Labs thread on the Destiny 2 subreddit