West Office Safe Code for Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 is filled with lockers and safes to be cracked by the inquisitive player, and one of the most enticing first ones you’ll encounter is the West Office Safe. Opening this baby will net you a nice Hip Pouch to increase your inventory size by two slots. In this guide we’ll teach you how to open it and provide the West Office Safe Code in Resident Evil 2

West Office Safe Code for RE2

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Hip Pouches are one of Resident Evil 2’s rarest commodities and offer a permanent boost to your capacity, and that means you should definitely aim to open the West Office Safe during your Resi 2 runs. If you want to solve the safe properly, you need to find the code in a set of papers located on a desk in the small room in the S.T.A.R.S. Office on the second floor (2F). However, so long as you know the correct code, it’s possible to open the safe early and save yourself some trouble.

The West Office Safe Code is as follows:

To clarify, that doesn’t mean you should turn the dial to the left nine times, then right 15 times. This means you must turn the dial left to the number 9, then right to the number 15, then left to the number 7. Don’t hit X or A until you’re done or you’ll need to start the entire sequence again. Likewise if you accidentally move one too far in either direction then you need to leave and restart the code entry sequence.

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Open it up and voila: a handy Hip Pouch. Now that you know how to open the West Office Safe, why not solve the Waiting Room Safe too, or learn how to open the pesky Portable Safes you’ll find as you explore? Or since you’re in the area, here’s how to open Leon’s Desk in the West Office. Check out the rest of our Resident Evil 2 guides for more useful tips and tricks!