All achievements in Kingdom Hearts 3

While playing through Kingdom Hearts 3, you’ll earn a variety of achievements and trophies. A few of these are earned automatically as you progress through the story, though many have specific requirements you’ll need to meet. For gamers looking to get 100% completion in Kingdom Hearts 3, knowing what achievements to pursue can be extremely helpful. To get you started, we’ve put together a quick guide featuring all achievements and trophies in Kingdom Hearts 3.

Note: Some of these achievements contain secrets and story spoilers, so proceed with caution!

All Achievements and Trophies in Kingdom Hearts 3

Below, you'll find the full list of achievements and trophies that can be earned in Kingdom Hearts 3.
© Square Enix

As you can see, there are quite a few achievements and trophies to earn in Kingdom Hearts 3. To unlock them all, you’ll want to complete the story campaign, and gather collectibles like Lucky Emblems. Out of all the achievements and trophies in Kingdom Hearts 3, which one do you feel is the hardest to earn and why? Let us know down in the comments below!

For more on Kingdom Hearts 3, be sure to check out some of our previous guides including how to get the Ultima Weapon in Kingdom Hearts 3, all keyblades in Kingdom Hearts 3, and how to unlock 100 Acre Wood in Kingdom Hearts 3.