Star Wars Battlefront 2 adds 'initial' loot-box and progression changes

No big improvements just yet.

EA has made the first changes to Star Wars Battlefront 2’s progression system.

The update increases the rate at which you earn the game’s credits. The end of round credit payout has been increased, along with upping the Arcade mode’s credit cap to 1500. You’ll also earn more crafting part from the daily loot boxes to upgrade those infamous Star Cards.

Obviously these are small adjustments, and don’t come close to addressing the fact that the multiplayer title ties progression and ability strengths into purchasable loot-boxes. However, EA states in their blog post that these are only the beginning.

“While these are only some initial steps toward making much larger changes, some of these are ready to roll, and are available starting today.”

We’ll have to wait and see whether these larger changes solve the game’s weighty problems, or serve to temper the bitter taste the launch left in many fans’ mouths.

Also on the way is a slew of The Last Jedi themed content including free heroes, maps and vehicles. Players will have the chance to side with the First Order or Resistance in a new faction feature on December 5, with the rest of the content arriving shortly after on the 13th.

"Thank you again for your passion around this game," the post concludes. "Star Wars is special to all of us, and we all want to experience that world in fun, exciting ways. If you're already playing the game and are loving it, we want to thank you for taking the time to do so. We have a lot planned, and are excited to show you what’s to come."

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.

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