Skryim's Switch release brings dragonborn back (again) this November

Announced with the console itself, Skyrim will finally launch on the Nintendo Switch November 17th.

If you’re desperate for some open-world adventure after finishing Breath of the Wild, this Switch release might be the perfect fix. The six year old title has been released countless times since its original launch, so it’s probable only Nintendo purists have missed out so far, but that doesn’t stop handheld Skyrim from being an appealing prospect.

The Switch version comes with unlockable Zelda attire including the master sword, the hylian shield and Breath of the Wild’s champion’s tunic. No word on if it will let you see enemy HP, though. The gear can be unlocked with certain LoZ amiibos or by finding hidden chests around the map. We can only hope they added Zelda music when you open them!