How long to beat Devil May Cry 5

After picking up a copy of Devil May Cry 5, many players have found themselves wondering how long it’ll take them to beat the game’s story campaign. In this campaign, there are a variety of different Missions where you’re given the opportunity to learn more about the unique world of Devil May Cry 5 and fight back against the current demon infestation.

Not only can you play as Nero in Devil May Cry 5, you can also play as V and Dante. Wondering how long it’ll take you to reach the end? We’ve got you covered! Below, we’ve put together a quick guide explaining how long it’ll take you to beat Devil May Cry 5.

How Long to Beat Devil May Cry 5

It'll take you anywhere from 10 to 15 hours to complete the main story campaign in Devil May Cry 5.
© Capcom

It can feel as though time passes quickly while playing Devil May Cry 5 thanks to how fun and engaging it is. However, having an idea as to how long it’ll take you to beat the game’s main story campaign can be useful info to have on hand. In addition to the Prologue, there are 20 different Mission chapters in Devil May Cry 5’s story campaign that you’ll need to complete in order to beat the game.

Below, we’ve listed all of the Missions featured in the campaign for Devil May Cry 5. Note that some of these Mission titles may contain light story spoilers!

During our time in Devil May Cry 5, it took us approximately 15 hours to beat the game’s campaign while playing on the Son of Sparda difficulty setting. If you play on a lower difficulty setting (like Human) you may be able to beat Devil May Cry 5 in as little as 10 hours. After beating the campaign the first time, you’ll likely want to go back through and play the campaign again as there are things you can unlock by doing so.

While it'll take you around 15 hours to beat Devil May Cry 5 the first time, playing the campaign again on the Dante Must Die difficulty setting can add another 15 hours of gameplay to your overall completion time.
© Capcom

For example, playing through the campaign on the Dante Must Die difficulty setting can help you unlock all of the Super Alternate costumes for V, Nero, and Dante. If you opt to play through the campaign again, especially on a challenging setting like Dante Must Die, it may take you around 30 hours to fully complete Devil May Cry 5. Fortunately, the option to do this is left entirely up to you.

If you’re only interested in playing Devil May Cry 5 for the story, you’re looking at anywhere from a 10 to 15-hour completion time. For completionists, it may take you upwards of 30 hours if you plan on playing the campaign a second time on Dante Must Die in order to unlock things like Super Alternate costumes and the Infinite Devil Trigger ability.

Now that you know how long it’ll take you to beat Devil May Cry 5, be sure to check out some of our previous guides including how to unlock the secret ending in Devil May Cry 5, how to swap Devil Breakers in Devil May Cry 5, and all Style Ranks in Devil May Cry 5.