Civilization 6 gets Switch and PC cross-platform saves

2K has enabled cross-platform cloud saves between the PC and Switch releases of Civilization 6.

This is great news for anyone that hates having to drop out of a lengthy Civ session to do things like cook food, go to the toilet or catch a bus to the shops. You’ll now be able to hop from PC directly to Switch and continue exactly where you left off. Thanks to cloud saves, the transfer should be instant so long as both devices are connected to the internet when saving.

In order to activate the new feature, players will need to make sure they have a 2K account linked to their Nintendo Switch console. If you don’t already have an account, click here to visit the official 2K side and sign up. You can then select multiplatform saves on your platform of choice to continue where you left off.

While this is a brilliant idea in principle, the update is unfortunately hindered by the fact that the Nintendo Switch version of Civilization 6 has yet to receive either of the two expansions currently available on PC. For now at least you’re stuck with the vanilla game only, but hopefully shared saves will remain in effect if and when Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm release on the console.