The 12 games of Christmas: Our favorite festive games

These are the Christmas games to get you in the holiday mood this season.

Every Christmas, we decorate our trees, get the house looking festive and settle in for one of the Socially Approved Christmas Films from the list. But does anyone ever think about delving into these games that really nail the feeling of Christmas at this time of year? We’ve put together our favorites for the 12 games of Christmas, but have neglected to fashion them into some sort of carol to sing. We’ll try harder next year.

The Division

Set in a post-biological attack New York, The Division is almost the epitome of Christmas: snowy streets, strings of LEDs, fear of human contact and department stores are murder! It’s a bit of an easy sell since there’s so many Christmas trees scattered throughout the evacuated metropolis. But the eerie abandoned atmosphere sometimes gives way to us thinking about whether this crowd-less appreciation of downtown Manhattan might not be a better way to celebrate the holidays. That’s our inner supervillain talking and we try not to listen.

Dead Rising 4

Playing off The Division’s apocalyptic xmas, Dead Rising 4 goes for the more authentic experience of last-minute Christmas shopping with a throng of mindless zombies. They also happen to be undead, but otherwise it’s an almost identical simulation. This might not be Frank’s best adventure, and the years appear to have changed him somehow, but it’s still your classic improvised weaponry in a mall situation. You’ll need all the knifed-up boxing gloves you can find to pick up that last Tickle Me Elmo.

Batman: Arkham Origins

Frigid cities and snowy streets full of thugs really bring out the best in our Christmas memories department, and Gotham’s decked out halls go one step further. Taking its cues from the 1992 Tim Burton movie Batman Returns, Arkham Origins also brings a darkly gothic Christmas soundtrack full of sombre bells and haunting organs, even riffing on the classic Carol of the Bells for Joker’s theme. They should have taken another leaf from Burton and called it The Dark Knightmare Before Christmas, eh? Come on, that one’s solid, don’t leave.


Chris is the captain of the good ship AllGamers, which would explain everything you're seeing here. Get in touch to talk about work or the $6 million Echo Slam by emailing or finding him on Twitter. 


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