Shenmue 3 confirms return of the forklift

The long-awaited Shenmue 3, conclusion to Ryo Hazuki's 20-year quest for vengeance, will finally give fans what they've been waiting for: a forklift truck.

The vehicle formed a large part of the first game's story, where Ryo could earn some extra cash to spend on capsule toys by moving crates down at the harbour – and then racing them once he's off the clock.

Many remember the forklift (for better or worse) due to its prevalence during a bottleneck of the story where you needed to find a gang that hung around at the docks to progress. At first the repetitiveness of the work bored us while waiting to find out more about our father's killers, but by the time we'd actually rooted out the gang we couldn't leave our forklift drifting life behind.

It remains to be seen if there will be forklift racing in Shenmue 3, but for now we're just pleased to see an old friend there with us at the end of our long journey.

Shenmue 3 is still slated for an August 27 release on PS4, Xbox One and PC if there are no further delays. What were your favorite memories of Shenmue over the years?