How to Obliterate Yourself in Risk of Rain 2

Risk of Rain 2 is an interesting game in that it offers a variety of different mechanics to incorporate into your gameplay, including the option to obliterate yourself from existence. While killing off your character sounds like a bad idea all-around, there’s actually a time when doing this can benefit you.

For example, you can unlock a character by obliterating yourself at a certain point in the game. Confused? We’ve got you covered! Below, we’ll walk you through how to obliterate yourself from existence and why you’d want to in Risk of Rain 2.

How to Obliterate Yourself in Risk of Rain 2

By opening a Celestial Portal and obliterating yourself in front of the Obelisk, you'll be able to earn the True Respite achievement and the Mercenary character in Risk of Rain 2.
© Hopoo Games

In Risk of Rain 2, you have the option to obliterate yourself from existence when you’re standing in front of an Obelisk. To access this Obelisk, you’ll need to open up and enter a Celestial Portal. During our time in Risk of Rain 2, we were able to open our first Celestial Portal after making our way through the first four worlds, then looping back and working our way through the first three again.

After completing the third world a second time, we were able to open and enter a Celestial Portal. Inside the Celestial Portal, you’ll find an Obelisk. To reach the Obelisk, you’ll need to solve a jumping puzzle comprised of platforms and obstacles. Upon reaching the Obelisk, interact with it and you’ll be asked whether you want to obliterate yourself from existence.

If you wish to do this, you can tap the “E” button twice and watch as your character sacrifices themselves to the Obelisk. While sacrificing yourself may seem like a bad idea, choosing to perform this action in Risk of Rain 2 will unlock the True Respite achievement as well as a new character, Mercenary.

As such, if you encounter a Celestial Portal and an Obelisk in Risk of Rain 2 and have yet to unlock Mercenary, we recommend making the sacrifice. It’s grim, but highly effective! For a visual guide on how to open a Celestial Portal and obliterate yourself from existence in front of an Obelisk, be sure to check out the helpful video below courtesy of YouTube user, Payday

Now that you know how to obliterate yourself from existence in Risk of Rain 2, be sure to check out some of our other guides including how to use the Tougher Times teddy bear in Risk of Rain 2, how to get Huntress in Risk of Rain 2, and how to get Artificer in Risk of Rain 2.