How to earn Koins fast in Mortal Kombat 11

In Mortal Kombat 11, there are a variety of ways to earn Koins, with Koins being used to open Chests in the Krypt and acquire valuable items, including cosmetics. While there are straightforward ways to earn Koins, such as playing through and completing the story campaign, other ways to continue earning Koins are harder to gauge.

To simplify everything, we’ve put together a guide explaining how to earn Koins fast and what Koins are used for in Mortal Kombat 11.

How to Earn Koins Fast in Mortal Kombat 11

You can earn Koins fast by doing things like visiting the Krypt and completing the opening tutorial of Mortal Kombat 11.
© NetherRealm Studios

The fastest way to earn Koins in Mortal Kombat 11 is by exploring different facets of the game. For example, the first time you visit the Krypt, you’ll be able to open two chests for free and earn a whopping 100,000 Koins for your efforts. You can also earn thousands of Koins simply by completing the game’s opening tutorial, which should only take a couple of minutes of your time and is a great way to master combos and moves like Fatal Blows.

As noted above, completing the story campaign is another great way to earn Koins fast as the Mortal Kombat 11 campaign itself is relatively short. Other ways to earn Koins fast include running through challenges in the Tower of Times, by logging in and regularly completing Daily Challenges, battling against opponents in multiplayer (including AI), and by exploring and opening new areas of the Krypt. Below, we’ve listed all of the methods above to give you a way to skim through them and check them off as you complete them.

Using the Koins you earn in Mortal Kombat 11, you’ll be able to open chests inside the Krypt, and unlock valuable resources and cosmetic goodies for yourself and your favorite characters.

Now that you know how to earn Koins fast and what Koins are used for in Mortal Kombat 11, be sure to check out some of our other guides including all Krypt item locations in Mortal Kombat 11, how to use Mercies in Mortal Kombat 11, and how to get Shao Khan in Mortal Kombat 11.