How to Fast Travel in Days Gone

Days Gone is a massive open-world game with a wealth of area to explore, which is why it can be useful to learn how to unlock and use Fast Travel. Not only is Fast Travel a great way to get around, but it can significantly reduce the amount of time it’ll take you to beat the game’s campaign. To help you out, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide explaining how to unlock and use Fast Travel in Days Gone.

How to Fast Travel in Days Gone

You can only Fast Travel to areas you've previously discovered, and only if you have enough fuel available in Days Gone.
© SIE Bend Studio

To unlock the Fast Travel feature in Days Gone, all you need to do is play through the game and explore areas, including camps. Note that you can only Fast Travel to areas you’ve previously discovered. The more areas you discover, the more expanded your Fast Travel options will be. To Fast Travel, open your map with the Touchpad on your PlayStation 4 controller, then hit R1.

After that, use the left stick to browse map locations and highlight them for more information. To select and Fast Travel, highlight a location, then hit Square. In Days Gone, Fast Travel requires Deacon’s bike to have fuel available, with the amount of fuel used depending on the distance you wish to travel. The farther away the selected Fast Travel spot, the more fuel you’ll consume.

Keep in mind that even if you’ve discovered an area and have fuel available, you won’t be able to Fast Travel if there are too many Infestation Zones along the way. The farther you get in the game, the less this issue should crop up (at least in our experience). Another thing to think about before using Fast Travel is that not only does it consume fuel, Fast Travel also passes time in Days Gone.

As Days Gone players quickly learn, traveling through areas at night is far more dangerous than during the day. Because of this, you’ll want to use Fast Travel carefully so as to not put yourself in a potentially jeopardizing position. An area that’s relatively safe during the day is often a far more dangerous at night. As such, if it looks like Fast Travel will deposit you in your desired area at night, make sure you’re stocked up and prepared for a fight beforehand.

Now that you know how to unlock and use Fast Travel in Days Gone, be sure to read through some of our other features including whether or not Days Gone has co-op multiplayer, approximately how long it’ll take you to beat the Days Gone campaign, and our hub of Days Gone information.