Pokemon Sleep rewards you for resting

A new device will help you play while you sleep called the Pokemon GO Plus Plus. No, we're not kidding.

The Pokemon Press Conference on May 28 placed heavy emphasis on getting a good night’s rest, with one of the stranger announcements coming in the form of Pokemon Sleep. Developed in conjunction with Select Button and targeting an estimated 2020 release date, Pokemon Sleep will let you literally play Pokemon while you’re cozied up in your pajamas.

Pokemon Sleep Rewards You For Resting

Pokemon Sleep will encourage Trainers to get a full night's rest by tracking their sleep data.
Pokemon Sleep will encourage Trainers to get a full night's rest by tracking their sleep data.
© The Pokemon Company

The Pokemon Company wants to stress the importance of getting a full night’s sleep. To encourage more people to try to sleep properly, rather than staying up all night playing games, they’re developing Pokemon Sleep. Not only will Pokemon Sleep let you “play Pokemon” in your sleep, a device is being created in conjunction with Niantic called the Pokemon Go Plus Plus (we’re serious) to help you track your sleep each night.

The Pokemon Go Plus Plus works similarly to the original Pokemon Go Plus, and functions the same way during the day. However, it has one new feature in that it tracks your sleep data. By placing the Pokemon Go Plus Plus on your bed at night, you’ll be able to chart your sleep stats and send the info directly to your phone via bluetooth.

With devices like the Fitbit popular among people looking to take control of their health, we can see the Pokemon Go Plus Plus becoming quite popular, especially if you’re looking for creative new ways to tackle insomnia. That said, we admit the idea is also somewhat creepy in that it “knows” when and how long you’re asleep for, but we won’t dwell on that too much. All we want to know is whether there are cheats, because sleep isn’t something we’re particularly good at!

A Snorlax event is live in Pokemon GO if you're looking to add the sleepy Pokemon to your PokeDex!
A Snorlax event is live in Pokemon GO if you're looking to add the sleepy Pokemon to your PokeDex!
© Niantic

Finally, to cap this sleep frenzy, Niantic announced a special Snorlax event in Pokemon GO to help Trainers add the elusive Pokemon to their PokeDex. We’re excited to learn more about Pokemon Sleep in the future, as well as the Pokemon Go Plus Plus. After learning about Pokemon Sleep, what are your thoughts? Will you give it a try in 2020, or would you rather focus on catching Pokemon during the day? Let us know down in the comments below!

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at morgan.shaver@allgamers.com or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.


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