How to brew all Potions in Harry Potter Wizards Unite

In Harry Potter Wizards Unite, knowing how to brew Potions can come in handy as Potions have a variety of in-game uses. For example, you can brew an Exstimulo Potion to improve your spell cast during Traces and Wizarding Challenges. With so many different types of Potions to brew, and Ingredients required, it’s understandable that some players may be confused about the process.

To help break everything down, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide that’ll teach you how to brew Potions in Harry Potter Wizards Unite!

How to Brew All Potions in Harry Potter Wizards Unite

To brew Potions in Harry Potter Wizards Unite, you'll need to tap on your Suitcase, select Potions, then tap Brew Now to open your list of available Potions.
© Niantic, Portkey Games

In Harry Potter Wizards Unite, players have the ability to brew Potions with different effects that can help boost their game. As expected for a game in the Harry Potter universe, brewing Potions requires Ingredients. To find Ingredients, look on your map for nearby items and tap to collect them. For example, Snowdrop appeared as a collectible near our house.

When tapped, the Ingredient was added to our Vault automatically. You can also visit nearby Greenhouses in your area to collect additional Ingredients. To brew a Potion, you’ll want to tap on the Suitcase icon on your Home screen. Next, tap the Potions icon. At the bottom of your Potions menu, you can tap “Brew Now” to open your list of brewable Potions.

At the top, you can view your Cauldrons, with a new Cauldron unlocking once you reach Level 9. You can also tap “Recipes” at the bottom right to view the Ingredients needed for each Potion. Note that each Potion has its own unique recipe, typically with 4 different types of Ingredients required. Potions also have special Master Notes.

To execute Master Notes, you’ll need to swipe in a certain pattern over your Cauldron. For example, you can swipe up, tap, or shake your phone in a specific order to perform Master Notes. By performing a Master Note successfully, you’ll significantly reduce a Potion’s brew time. To make everything easier, we’ve listed all Potions in Harry Potter Wizards Unite and the Ingredients required to brew them along with their Master Notes.

You can unlock new Potions and a new Cauldron as you level up in Harry Potter Wizards Unite.
© Niantic, Portkey Games

Exstimulo Potion

Improves spell cast in Traces and Wizarding Challenges.

Strong Exstimulo Potion (Unlocks at Level 7)

Strongly improves spell cast in Traces and Wizarding Challenges.

Potent Exstimulo Potion (Unlocks at Level 9)

Tremendously improves spell cast in Traces and Wizarding Challenges.

Invigoration Draught (Unlocks at Level 8)

Grants 1 Focus for casting Strategic Spells in Wizarding Challenges.

Strong Invigoration Draught (Unlocks at Level 13)

Grants 3 Focus for casting Strategic Spells in Wizarding Challenges.

Healing Potion (Unlocks at Level 6)

Restores 35% of your maximum Stamina when you’ve taken damage in Oddity Traces and Wizarding Challenges.

Dawdle Draught (Unlocks at Level 10)

Reduces the Confoundable’s likelihood of fleeing with the Foundable, giving you more chances to complete a Trace.

Baruffio’s Brain Elixir

Grants double Wizarding XP from Traces, Wizarding Challenges, and Portkeys.

Wit-Sharpening Potion (Unlocks at Level 15)

Increases your spell’s efficacy against Elite Foes in Wizarding Challenges by 50 percent.


As you can tell by the list above, we’ve uncovered information pointing to four other Potion types in Harry Potter Wizards Unite. However, these Potions don’t display in the game and we’ve yet to unlock them. Be sure to check back, as we’ll be updating this guide as we uncover additional details about the Potions you can brew in Harry Potter Wizards Unite.

Now that you know how to brew all Potions including what Ingredients and Master Notes are needed for each one in Harry Potter Wizards Unite, be sure to read through some of our other guides including how to return Confoundables in Harry Potter Wizards Unite, how to open Portkeys in Harry Potter Wizards Unite, and how to add friends in Harry Potter Wizards Unite.