Xur's first visit to Destiny 2 brings Merciless for sale

What're you buying, stranger?

Xur, the weekend wandering merchant, has arrived in Destiny 2 for his first Friday sale and boy does he have something good.

The resident Exotic trader has four pieces for sale this weekend. Alongside a chest piece of armor for each of the classes (available earlier in the campaign), the salesman also has Merciless up for just 29 legendary shards.

Merciless is a fusion rifle that is incredibly useful in a raid scenario, so if you’re thinking of taking a crack at Leviathan this weekend then pick this up before you go. Each shot has exponentially less charge time if the previous one didn’t kill the target, so point it at a boss and fire away.

To find Xur, it’s a bit easier than in the previous game as he isn’t hidden away somewhere in the Tower. This time he’s up a tree on Nessus, but his location is marked on your map so there’s no trouble finding him.


Chris is the captain of the good ship AllGamers, which would explain everything you're seeing here. Get in touch to talk about work or the $6 million Echo Slam by emailing chris.higgins@allgamers.com or finding him on Twitter. 


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