Unlock all characters in Stranger Things 3: The Game

Stranger Things 3: The Game from developer BonusXP is now available and includes 12 playable characters, 10 of which you’ll need to unlock. While the process of unlocking characters is relatively straightforward, certain ones do require a bit of finesse. Wondering what characters are available, or having trouble unlocking characters like Will? We’ve got you covered!

Below, we’ve put together a quick guide on how to unlock all playable characters in Stranger Things 3: The Game.

Unlock All Characters in Stranger Things 3: The Game

Mike and Lucas are available at the start of Stranger Things 3: The Game, while characters like Eleven, Max, and Will need to be unlocked.
© BonusXP

As noted above, there are 12 playable characters in Stranger Things 3: The Game, with 10 featuring some sort of unlock requirement. Many are easy to collect as you’ll simply need to play the game and complete missions. For example, to unlock Dustin you’ll need to complete the “Radar Love” mission. Meanwhile, characters like Will are harder in that they require you to collect all of a certain item type.

Below, we’ve listed all 12 playable characters and how to unlock the rest in Stranger Things 3: The Game.

As you can see, you start out with two playable characters in Stranger Things 3: The Game. You quickly acquire more as you play and complete missions, with Dustin, Nancy, and Jonathan joining your roster fairly quickly. Other character unlocks need to be done in order for the sake of speed and convenience, like grabbing Max, then Eleven, then Joyce, and so on.

The hardest character to unlock is Will as you’ll need to grab all D&D Character Sheets before he’ll agree to join the team. Interestingly, the unlock process makes sense in relation to the show itself, and it’s recommended that you don’t play Stranger Things 3: The Game until you’ve completed the show. Keeping that in mind, you should now know all of the playable characters and how to unlock them in Stranger Things 3: The Game!