How to increase Professor Level in Fire Emblem: Three Houses

As the teacher of a house at the Officer’s Academy, it’s your duty in Fire Emblem: Three Houses to make sure you’re up to the task of teaching and motivating your students. A big part of improving your teaching is to work on yourself first through the Professor Level mechanic. If you know how to increase Professor Level then you’ll be able to take part in more activities when exploring, and even offer your students more tutoring sessions. So with that in mind, let’s crack on with learning how to increase your Professor level in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

How to increase Professor Level in Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Increase your Professor Level to let you perform more activities each week in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. © Nintendo

Raising your Professor level is extremely important early in Fire Emblem: Three Houses as it’ll open up far more opportunities to develop your own skills and those of your students. There are several ways to increase your Professor Level, but some are easily missed. We’ve laid out some of the best below to make it easy for you.

Use your Explore activity points

This much should be obvious, but make sure you use all of your Activity Points on every single Explore day you take. You’ll only be able to do two things at first, but as you progress further and level up, you’ll increase that number to let you do more in a day. You should absolutely make sure you spend all of them before ending your explore session, so take some time to invite students to a meal or cooking class, or even to sing in the choir. If you make appropriate choices you’ll boost their morale and send your Professor Level soaring up.

Gardening is one of the best ways to raise your Professor Level in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. © Nintendo

Gardening and the Advice Box

All the Monastery activities (fishing, cooking, singing etc.) will increase your Professor Level, but there are two activities you should do every single time you choose the Explore action. Gardening and the Advice Box don’t cost a point towards your activities count for the day, but will still net you a healthy dose of Professor Level experience. Make sure you harvest any seeds you’ve planted previously, then plant more and cultivate them each time you stop by the garden in the southwest of the map. 

The Advice Box can be found just inside the entrance of the church to the north of the Monastery. Turn left and speak to the staff member there to read any available notes. These will come from a student or professor, giving you a choice of three responses. You can attempt to figure out the appropriate response to the sillhouette shown, or you can check our guide for the answers. On some days, other activities like fishing will also be free, which means you should definitely take the time to do them.

Finding items in the Monastery

Scattered across the Monastery are items to be found. They appear as glowing blue patches of light, and while many will be seeds, potions and gifts, you’ll also discover books and other key information sources that will raise your Professor Level. It’s always worth doing a scout of all the main Monastery areas to look for these as they quickly add up towards your next level. Don’t forget that you can visit the Student’s rooms as they’ll often have some items tucked away. If you find any Lost Items, make sure you return them to the right person to boost their motivation.

You'll find many items as you explore the Monastery, many will give you a boost to Professor Level experience. © Nintendo

Answering student questions

By far one of the best ways to increase your Professor Level is by answers questions from your students. Once you’ve made it past the opening few months as a teacher, students will come to you at the start of each week of lectures with a question. You need to answer based on who is asking you, with an aim to please that student. Get it right and not only will their motivation max out, but you’ll also gain a massive amount of experience for your Professor Level.

Take part in all activities

You won’t only get the chance to take part in activities during your Explore sessions. Occasionally you’ll also be interrupted during your week of lessons with an invite to take part in Choir or other events that are happening at the Monastery. It’s almost always a good idea to say yes to these as they’ll give you boosts to your skills and Professor Levels, helping you race up that track even faster.

How to view Professor Level

Open up your information sheet to view your current Professor Level and the XP needed to improve it. © Nintendo

Your Professor Level will pop up on the side as you wander around the Monastery, but if you ever want to check how much experience is needed to reach the next level, all you need to do is open your own character information sheet. This can be done by bringing up the menu with X, selecting Roster, then choosing your own player character. The center of the screen will list your current Professor Level and let you know how much XP you need to raise it to the next level.

That’s pretty much all there is regarding how to increase your Professor Level in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, but we can’t state enough how important it is to take part in the free activities like Gardening and the Advice Box when you can. Good luck out there and give it your best, Teach! If you’re after more guides, read our list of all Class Mastery bonuses to help you develop your fighting team.