Class certification requirements - Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Fighting is only part of your duties in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, you also need to train both yourself and your students in a variety of skills. Raise their levels enough and they’ll be able to take and pass certification exams for the huge number of classes in the game. Each one comes with useful Class Abilities that can give you the edge on the field. Want to know what grades you need to qualify at each level? In this guide we’ll list all class certification requirements in Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Class certification requirements in Fire Emblem: Three Houses

It takes a lot of training to reach the class certification requirements for later classes in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. © Nintendo

There are several different tiers of classes in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, each with more stringent certification requirements than the last. We’ve broken our lists below into the categories of Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Master Classes. If you work on increasing your Class Mastery of each you’ll eventually complete them and unlock rare Class Mastery bonuses! Sometimes its worth sticking with a class for that reason alone. To help you earn these powers, here are the class certification requirements in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Beginner classes (Level 5+)

Intermediate classes (Level 10+)

If only tests in real life were as certain as Fire Emblem: Three Houses' certification exams. © Nintendo

Advanced classes (Level 20+)

Master classes (Level 30+)

You now know all the class certification requirements in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and are ready to start planning the future of your team. Make sure you’ve read up on all the class abilities so you know what each one offers before you work towards it! Looking for more Fire Emblem: Three Houses guides? We can also help you with how to get all Forge materials.