How long to beat Oninaki?

Oninaki is scheduled to release on August 22 on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC. To prepare gamers interested in playing this intriguing title from Tokyo RPG Factory and Square Enix, we thought we’d start with the basics. Namely, how long will it take you to beat Oninaki?

How long to beat Oninaki?

Oninaki should take you anywhere from 20 to 25 hours to complete. If you're a completionist, it could take upwards of 30 to 35 hours.
© Tokyo RPG Factory

During our time with Oninaki, we were able to complete our first playthrough in around 23 hours total. That said, we weren’t playing the game for 100% completion, but rather for the sake of enjoyment. Other early reviewers have estimated a standard playthrough of Oninaki takes roughly 20-25 hours.

Note that your completion time will vary based on how you play the game, the difficulty level you choose, whether you have trouble beating certain bosses, and so on. Alternatively, if you want to get every single collectible in the game and thoroughly explore every area of Oninaki, your completion time may be even longer. For a completionist, it could take you anywhere from 30 to 35 hours to complete Oninaki.

What’s nice about Oninaki and its completion time is that it’s not an RPG that takes hundreds of hours to get through. As such, if there are other games you want to play at the end of August like Blair Witch or Astral Chain, you should be able to power through Oninaki in 25 hours or less. Of course, you can always bounce between games if you’d rather take your time with the game like we did! 

Now that you know how long it’ll take you to beat Oninaki, what are your thoughts? Are you excited to play the game on August 22? Did you purchase a copy for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, or PC? Let us know down in the comments below!