Where to find Fucium Ore in Monster Hunter: World

There are so many different resources to keep track of in Monster Hunter: World that it can be tough to keep track of them all. Fucium Ore is one such resource, and you’ll need plenty of it to upgrade certain pieces of equipment or gear. To get farming this rare rock takes a bit of luck, but you’ll first need to know the Fucium Ore location as it can only be harvested in a specific area. To that end, this guide will teach you where to find Fuceum Ore in Monster Hunter: World.

Where to find Fucium Ore in Monster Hunter: World

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To find Fucium Ore you need to head to the Elder’s Recess area. In this location you can farm Fucium Ore from the blue Mining Outcrops scattered here and there. Unfortunately, Fucium Ore is a rare item and therefore has a low drop rate. There’s no guarantee you’ll receive it each time you mine, so you’ll just have to keep visiting each of them until you’re lucky. Fast Travel to a new location once you’ve harvested each place in Elder’s Recess to cause them to refresh.

Within Elder’s Recess, Areas 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 all have spots to harvest Fucium Ore, but 6, 12 and 13 seem to have the highest density of mining spots, making them the best to rinse and repeat.

In case you haven’t already done them, there are also a few quests that have a chance to reward you with Fucium Ore. They also only have a low chance, but you can still try completing any of the following if you want to get Fucium Ore:

Overall, Elder’s Recess is by far the best location if you want to get Fucium Ore, it just might take you a while to earn what you need thanks to the RNG drops. You’ll need a lot to upgrade a range of armor and weapon sets throughout the game, so except to head back to this Fucium Ore location often to stock up on your supplies. For more Monster Hunter World tips and tricks, check out our hub for the game!