Pauline will be playable character in Mario Kart Tour

Original Donkey Kong damsel Pauline will finally be playable in a Mario Kart game.

After being kidnapped by Donkey Kong, Pauline has been remarkably quiet in the Mario canon up until 2017's Super Mario Odyssey, but she's making up for lost time now by appearing in yet another Mario game as a playable character.

The Mayor of New Donk City will take pole position when Mario Kart Tour comes to mobile devices tomorrow (September 25), adding to her resumé of playable appearances.

She was also made a playable character in Mario Tennis Aces last year, after her triumphant return during Odyssey's most memorable world.

Mario Kart Tour is a pared down version of the racing classic to be played on mobile phones, working a lot more like an endless runner game than the usual driving experience.

It continues the run of Nintendo classics arriving on smartphones in a "free to start" model, with items to increase playtime costing money. We're excited to see how it improves on Nintendo's other mobile runner adaptations like Super Mario Run.


Chris is the captain of the good ship AllGamers, which would explain everything you're seeing here. Get in touch to talk about work or the $6 million Echo Slam by emailing or finding him on Twitter. 

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