How to add friends in Mario Kart Tour

In Mario Kart Tour, players have been asking how to add friends. The reason for this is the “Friends” tab isn’t immediately available in Mario Kart Tour. Instead, you’ll need to complete a few requirements in order to unlock the Friends tab in the menu. Once it’s unlocked, there are a few options available to you that’ll allow you to quickly and easily add your friends. Confused? Here’s a quick guide that’ll explain how to add friends in Mario Kart Tour!

How to add friends in Mario Kart Tour

To add friends in Mario Kart Tour, you'll need to unlock Ranking by completing the Yoshi Cup. 
© Nintendo

To add friends in Mario Kart Tour, you’ll need to first unlock Ranking. We have a full guide on what you need to do to unlock Ranking in Mario Kart Tour, but we’ll abbreviate the steps for you here as well. To unlock Ranking, you’ll need to play through the game until you complete the Yoshi Cup.

After completing the Yoshi Cup, you’ll unlock Ranking which expands your menu options and gives you the ability to add Friends. To do this, tap “Menu” at the bottom of your home screen and then tap “Friends” to look at the various ways in which you can add people in Mario Kart Tour. Below, we’ve listed all the ways you’re able to add friends in Mario Kart Tour.

Similar to other mobile games like Pokemon GO, you’ll be given a unique Friend ID in Mario Kart Tour. For example, our Friend ID is 9914 5404 4830. To add us, you’d open your Friends menu and input that code in the section beneath, “Enter the player’s ID.” If you have a friend you’re looking to add, ask them to give you their Friend ID, or give them yours.

Alternatively, you can add friends from Facebook and Twitter by linking your accounts, though we can understand if you’d rather avoid linking social media. Finally, Mario Kart Tour requires you to link your Nintendo Account. If you have friends added on Nintendo Switch, you can add them to Mario Kart Tour by tapping on their names and sending out the friend request.

Now that you know how to add friends in Mario Kart Tour, be sure to read through some of our previous guides including how to unlock Ranking in Mario Kart Tour, and info on why you need to purchase a subscription to unlock 200cc in Mario Kart Tour.