How to get Lifeline Heirloom Set in Apex Legends Halloween event

The Lifeline Heirloom set has arrived in Apex Legends alongside the Fight or Fright Halloween game mode, giving us one more super-rare melee weapon skin to unlock for a Legend.

In this event update, Respawn and EA have changed the way you can earn these Heirloom sets so you no longer have to pray for a vanishingly small RNG pull from event packs. Here's how to get the Lifeline Heirloom set in Apex Legends' Fight or Fright event.

How to get the Lifeline Heirloom set

© Respawn Entertainment

Unlike previous event-only ultra-rare skins, the Lifeline Heirloom set doesn't drop from Event Packs. You can only get the Lifeline Heirloom set by completing the Fight or Fright Collection. There are 24 cosmetic items in the Fight or Fright Collection, so you'll need to unlock all 24 before the Lifeline Heirloom set is yours.

Each item in the Fight or Fright Collection can be directly purchased for 1000 Apex Coins (Epic) or 1800 Apex Coins (Legendary). They can also be crafted for 800 Crafting Metal (Epic) or 2400 Crafting Metal (Legendary). And finally, they can drop from Event Apex Packs (700 Apex Coins) which drop one Fight or Fright Collection item with a 50-50 chance of Legendary or Epic. 

The good news is that Event Apex Packs will no longer drop duplicates, so if you manage to individually buy or craft many of the Epic items you should be guaranteed Legendaries in the Event Packs for only 700 Apex Coins instead of purchasing them outright for almost three times that. It'll take some maths to figure out the most efficient unlock route, but we believe it could be using all your crafting metal to unlock Epics at 800 a pop, and then buying Event Apex Packs for the Legendaries.

That should be 800*12 = 9,600 Crafting Metal for the Epics, and 700*12 = 8,400 Apex Coins for the Event Packs.

However, if you don't manage to earn enough materials or coins from your battle pass before the event ends, don't worry too much. You can still unlock the Lifeline Heirloom set after the Fight or Fright event ends through random chance in opening standard Apex Packs. The upper limit before the Heirloom luck protection kicks in is 500 packs, so it might take a while.