DOOM Eternal delayed until March 2020 just weeks from release

DOOM Eternal has been delayed until March 20, 2020 with just weeks to go until its originally planned launch date, id Software has announced today.

The sequel to 2016's reboot of the DOOM franchise was planned for release on Xbox One, PS4 and PC on November 22, with a Switch launch planned for later.

However the date has now been moved into spring next year, and Switch will still launch on a yet-to-be-announced date after that.

"To make sure we're delivering the best experience – for DOOM Eternal to live up to our standards of speed and polish – we've made the decision to extend our launch date by a few months to March 20, 2020," the team said in a statement released today. "We know many fans will be disappointed by this delay, but we are confident that DOOM Eternal will deliver a gaming experience that is worth the wait."

In addition to the new launch date, id also announced that Invasion Mode, which allows you to enter another player's game as a demon (similar to the Dark Souls multiplayer mode of the same name) will release as a free update shortly after launch.

DOOM 64 will also release on March 20 as well on Xbox, PlayStation, PC and Switch as a free pre-order bonus for DOOM Eternal.

DOOM Eternal was also intended to be one of the tentpole titles for Google Stadia, which will be launching next month. Undoubtedly this is unwelcome news for the new streaming service as well, though more than 30 other games will be on the system when it does go live next month. was looking set to be a GOTY contender from what we had seen at E3 and prior, however a marked silence from id Software and Bethesda in the months leading up to launch had foretold this delay somewhat. Are you still excited to rip and tear in 2020 as well?