How to redeem preorder DLC in Death Stranding

If you preordered Death Stranding, you may find yourself wondering how to redeem all of your preorder bonuses. For the most part, the process is relatively straightforward, but having a clear step-by-step guide always helps. After all, you’re probably itching to dive into Death Stranding and find out what it’s all about. To help, we’ve put together a quick guide explaining how to redeem your preorder DLC in Death Stranding.

How to redeem preorder DLC in Death Stranding

You can collect your preorder DLC as you play through Death Stranding.
© Kojima Productions

When it comes to redeeming your preorder DLC in Death Stranding, there are a few things to keep in mind. If you purchased a physical copy of the Gold or Collector’s Edition of Death Stranding, you’ll need to locate the preorder code on your receipt. If you purchased a digital copy, you should have been emailed your preorder code.

Meanwhile, preordering digitally on the PlayStation Store will result in the content automatically downloading without you having to input anything. If you have a code, select the Redeem Code option on the PlayStation Store and input everything accordingly.

When done correctly, you should see a confirmation screen informing you that you are redeeming preorder DLC for Death Stranding. Download this content, then start up Death Stranding. As you play through the game, you’ll gradually uncover your preorder content and equip it via your Private Room. For example, you can put on your Ludens Mask Sunglasses through your display of available gear in your Private Room.

Items like the All-Terrain Skeleton need to be unlocked by playing the game. Once you’re given access to the Fabricator, you’ll be able to fabricate special gold variants, with the game walking you through how to use the Fabricator to ensure there’s no confusion regarding the process.

For example, when you unlock the basic Speed Skeleton, you can use the Fabricator to fabricate the Gold Speed Skeleton (Level 1) included as part of your preorder DLC. Note that preorder content for Death Stranding includes the following items:

In Death Stranding, you’ll unlock these items naturally as you progress through the game. For certain items, like the Gold Speed Skeleton, you will need to fabricate the gold variant using your Fabricator. If you preordered through the PlayStation Store, your DLC should automatically download for Death Stranding.

If you preordered a physical or digital copy elsewhere, you’ll need to redeem your preorder code via “Redeem Code” on the PlayStation 4 to have access to these items in Death Stranding.

Now that you know how to redeem preorder DLC in Death Stranding, we have a few other helpful guides we recommend checking out including how to fast travel in Death Stranding, why you need to enter your birthday in Death Stranding, and what DOOMs are in Death Stranding.