How to change boots in Death Stranding

As you journey through rough terrain in Death Stranding to deliver cargo, the boots on your feet will wear out. To avoid walking around in a pair of sandalwood slippers, you’ll need to put on a new pair. Unsure how to do this, or where to get a new set of boots? We’ve got you covered! Below, we’ve put together a quick guide explaining how to change your boots in Death Stranding.

How to change boots in Death Stranding

In Death Stranding, it's good practice to always bring a spare pair of boots with you wherever you go.
© Kojima Productions

In Death Stranding, you’ll have to keep an eye on various meters for things like stamina, your BB’s stress levels, and the status of your boots. As you walk around delivering cargo in Death Stranding, your boots will wear down. Eventually, you’ll need to replace your current set of boots with a new pair.

What’s nice is you can carry a spare set of boots around with you, and they don’t take up much space or weight as they clip right on to your backpack via the boot clip. If you don’t have boots available to take with you, you can fabricate a new pair at a terminal in exchange for materials.

The option to fabricate boots becomes available to you after you complete Order Number 7 during Episode 2 of Death Stranding. To prepare for your delivery expeditions, make sure you always bring a spare pair of boots with you by loading a pair onto your boot clip at a terminal before heading out. With that done, you’ll be able to quickly change your boots by selecting “Options” and then opening up your Cargo.

Choose the “On Boot Clip” prompt, then swap your current boots for the new, untouched pair. Wondering what to do with your old boots? Well, you can recycle them for materials at any terminal, which you can then use to fabricate new boots and so on and so forth.

It’s an endless cycle of replacing old boots with new boots, but as long as you keep an eye on the status of your boots and bring a fresh pair with you wherever you go, you (hopefully) shouldn’t run into instances where you’re hiking up a mountain in a pair of sandalwood slippers.

Now that you know how to change boots in Death Stranding, be sure to read through some of our other helpful guides including how to make it across the Tar Belt in Death Stranding, how to repair the bike in Death Stranding, and how to build a bridge in Death Stranding.