How to dive and swim underwater in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Cal Kestis is a talented guy, capable of running on walls, climbing vines and performing all manner of superhuman feats in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. However, when you come across water you’ll soon realize that this young Jedi is unable to dive and swim underwater. Spotted some crates lurking below the surface? Don’t worry, in this guide we’ll teach you (and Cal) how to dive and swim underwater in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

How to dive and swim underwater in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

To learn how to dive and swim underwater, you'll need to travel to Kashyyk for a second time in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
© Respawn Entertainment

No, no matter what combination of buttons you try, Cal Kestis won’t be able to dive underwater at first in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. To gain this less-than-magical power you’ll need to progress through the story until you’re asked to travel to Kashyyk for the second time. You’ll meet Mari and Tarfful by Origin Lake, at which point they’ll give you Underwater Breather in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. 

Once you have the Underwater Breather, all you have to do to swim underwater is press and hold the button prompt while swimming (Square on PS4, X on Xbox One). Cal will drop underwater, at which point you can keep holding the same button to dive lower, or press the surface button (X on PS4, A on Xbox One) to swim upwards. While you’re underwater, tapping Circle on PS4 or B on Xbox One will give you a little speed boost to help you on your way. 

Now that you know how to swim underwater in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order you can track down those chests you missed before and dive down to claim their rewards. Still keen for more guides? Check the following articles out for more useful tips and tricks: