How to get Watches in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

How many hours have you been playing Modern Warfare for tonight? We can’t tell you, but if you had yourself a watch you might know. Skins aren’t the only cosmetics to arrive in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, there are also handy watches you can equip your characters with, just in case you need to check the time mid-firefight. Want one? In this guide we’ll teach you how to get watches in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

How to get Watches in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

The Endowment Defender Pack is one of the main ways to get a watch in Modern Warfare right now.
© Activision

As it stands, the only way to get an in-game watch is actually outside of the game, and with real cash. There are two ways to get watches in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, with the first being the Modern Warfare Endowment Defender Pack. This comes with a few unique weapon camos and charms, but crucially also includes a fancy watch. It’ll also put some money towards The Call of Duty Endowment, Activision’s non-profit organization which helps US and UK veterans find civilian work.

The other, less glamorous way to get a watch in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is to buy Totino’s pizza rolls. You’ll need to enter multiple codes packs to earn rewards, and there’s more than just a watch on offer. You can also collect an animated calling card and a charm to use in-game, with items earned in the following order:

There are more watches planned for future updates, including a tamagotchi-style pet that you feed. But right now the two paths described above are the only ways to get watches in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. After more Modern Warfare content? Check out these pages: