How to beat Lady Lottie in Temtem

In Temtem, your first big “boss battle” is against Lady Lottie who’s captured Sophia and is holding her in a cage inside of Windward Fort. The battle against Lady Lottie isn’t easy, though there are things that can help including knowing her lineup of Temtem. To help you prepare, we’ve put together a complete guide on how to beat Lady Lottie in Temtem!

How to beat Lady Lottie in Temtem

In this guide, we'll walk you through the best Temtem to use in the fight against Lady Lottie in Temtem.
© Crema

The battle against Lady Lottie is a difficult one as you’ll need to first make your way through Windward Fort which contains wild Temtem, Tamers, and members of Clan Belsoto. What’s nice is there’s a HealTem station and Shop located near the entrance to Windward Fort. This will allow you to return and heal your Temtem, or purchase items, as needed.

Once you’ve successfully worked your way past every obstacle in Windward Fort you’ll emerge on the upper level outside. Here, you’ll have to fight against another pair of Clan Belsoto members. Note that you won’t be able to use items, heal, or adjust your Squad order after the Clan Belsoto fight as the game jumps straight into the next battle with Lady Lottie.

If you lose against Lady Lottie, you’ll respawn at the HealTem station outside the Windward Fort entrance and will have to work your way back to her to try again. That said, there are ways to beat Lady Lottie the first time around as long as you keep Types in mind. Below, we’ve listed all of the Temtem that Lady Lottie uses, their Types, levels, and the order in which they appear.

As you can see from Lady Lottie’s team of Temtem, she primarily works with Wind and Mental with the outlier being Kalabyss. Lady Lottie also uses Temtem at Lv. 15 through Lv. 18, so leveling up your Temtem to these levels is recommended even with a Type advantage. Below, we’ve listed the Types that are effective against Lady Lottie’s group of Temtem.

We recommend using Ganki, Loali, Fomu, or Crystle though you can use other Types against Lady Lottie if they're leveled enough.
© Crema

Judging by the weaknesses above, your best bet is to take Lady Lottie on with one or more Temtem of the Electric Type. For example, you can catch a Ganki (or multiple Ganki) fairly early on in Temtem. Other options including Crystal if you selected Crystle as your starter.

If you selected Smazee, you may want to have it sit this one out as Hocus and Barnshe are both particularly deadly against Melee Types like Smazee. Loali is another fairly strong Temtem here, and if you’re in a pinch, you can also try a Water Type like Fomu.

We also had to blunt force our way past Lady Lottie’s final Temtem using Neutral Types like Tateru and Skail which we’d leveled up enough to be able to get the job done against Pigepic and Loali. To recap, you’ll want to use an Electric Type like Ganki as Electric is the most effective Type against Lady Lottie’s group of Temtem.

Recommended Temtem to Use Against Lady Lottie

You can also use Crystle if that’s your starter choice along with Loali and Fomu. If you’re in a bind, Neutral Types like Tateru and Skail can help you squeak out a win against Lady Lottie’s final two Temtem, Loali and Pigepic. By defeating Lady Lottie, you’ll receive the following rewards:

You will also be able to open the three boxes off to the left. Inside the boxes, you’ll find the following rewards:

Using your Fort Windward Key, make your way back down through Fort Windward and release Sophia. This will send her back to her Dojo in Arissola where you’ll be able to challenge her to get the Surfboard as a reward.

Now that you know how to beat Lady Lottie in Temtem, be sure to review our other guides including how to refill your Temessence Vial in Temtem, find out what happens when you run out of Temtem, and learn how to climb in Temtem.