Where to get Oceara in Temtem

A closer look at where you can capture an Oceara in Temtem.

In Temtem, one Temtem that Tamers have been curious about capturing is Oceara. Owned by Sophia, the first Dojo Leader you encounter, Oceara can be a powerful ally to have on your Squad. Plus, it’s a Temtem that also looks pretty cool when you have it following you around. Having a hard time finding one? Read on to learn where you can get an Oceara in Temtem!

Where to get Oceara in Temtem

Where to get Oceara in Temtem
Oceara can be found in a pool by a waterfall deep within the Aguamarine Caves in Temtem.
© Crema
  • Waterfall at Aguamarine Caves outside of Brical de Mar in Deniz.

Oceara is one of many rare Temtem that take a bit of searching in order to find. As one of the most powerful Water Types in Temtem, having an Oceara on your Squad can come in handy, especially when taking on Fire Types near Anak Volcano. So, where do you get an Oceara? Well, the only place you can really get one is deep within the Aguamarine Caves.

The entrance to the Aguamarine Caves can be found after you acquire the Surfboard. Simply return to Brical de Mar and surf out into the Sillaro River and head north. Once you pass the docks, head left and look for a cave opening. When you enter the Aguamarine Caves, you’re going to want to head north again deeper into the caves and a few red patches of ice.

Oceara can be found in this small waterfall pool deep within the Aguamarine Caves outside Brical de Mar in Temtem.
Oceara can be found in this small waterfall pool deep within the Aguamarine Caves outside Brical de Mar in Temtem.
© Crema

Once you work your way over to the south side, you’ll find another entrance that takes you to a waterfall area. In this small pool of water, you’ll be able to find Oceara in the wild. For the most part, you’ll be running into Kalazu, Kalazu, and even more Kalazu. Be patient and keep at it and you will eventually run into an Oceara.

The Oceara you encounter here will be anywhere between Level 19 and Level 21 (that we’ve seen, the highest we’ve been able to capture is Level 21) so be sure to bring a Temtem that can whittle down Oceara’s health without knocking it out. Trust us, it’s a huge pain to have to circle around the tiny waterfall pool to find another one.

Once you get an Oceara, you can use its Water Type moves to combat Fire, Earth, and Digital Types in Temtem. To recap, Oceara can be found in the waterfall pool in the Aguamarine Caves outside Brical de Mar on Deniz. Oceara is an extremely rare spawn, so keep in mind that you’ll need to circle around the waterfall for a decent amount of time before you find one.

Now that you know where to get Oceara in Temtem, be sure to read through some of our previous guides including where to get Nessla in Temtem, where to get Ganki in Temtem, and whether you can fast travel in Temtem.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at morgan.shaver@allgamers.com or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.


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