How to get Blood Bonds in Hunt: Showdown

Blood Bonds are Hunt: Showdown's in-game currency, but they're used for much more than just the shop, so read our guide to find out the best ways to get them.

Hunt: Showdown is a unique shooter, which means playing it for the first time can be a little confusing. There are plenty of new systems to learn both inside levels and in the game menus, including the very important Blood Bonds. Used for a variety of things, you’ll want to start earning these as quickly as possible. In this guide we’ll explain how to get Blood Bonds in Hunt: Showdown as well as what they’re useful for.

What are Blood Bonds?

Blood Bonds are Hunt: Showdown’s form of in-game currency. They have a variety of uses including cleaning weapons, respeccing your Hunter, reshuffling the shops and unlocking Legendary Weapons or Hunters.

How to get Blood Bonds in Hunt: Showdown

How to get Blood Bonds in Hunt: Showdown
Blood Bonds can be spent on Legendary Weapons in Hunt: Showdown.
© Crytek

There are a few ways to get Blood Bonds in Hunt: Showdown, both in-game and through microtransactions. The main way you’ll earn them is simply by playing the game. You’ll be rewarded with Blood Bonds for gaining accolades during matches, the following rewards for each level:

  • Bronze accolade: 1 Blood Bond
  • Silver accolade: 2 Blood Bonds
  • Gold accolade: 3 Blood Bonds

Accolades are gained by performing well in matches, extracting after beating the bosses or taking down multiple hunters. You'll only gain Blood Bonds for your top five accolades per match though. You can also get Blood Bonds got completing Masteries in the Book of Monsters and the Book of Weapons. In addition, weekly challenges will reward with extra Blood Bonds, letting you build up a decent stash.

Considering Legendary Weapons and Hunters cost upwards of 200 Blood Bonds, it’ll take you a while to save up for what you want, but if you focus on completing your weekly challenges and the Masteries from both books, you’ll eventually store up enough for your favorite options.

Finally, if you want to save time you can also splash out real cash to purchase Blood Bond packs directly. These come in bundles from 300-5000, increasing in cost each time. We wouldn’t recommend doing so for most players, but if you’re heavy on cash but short on time, it’s not a bad option to have at all.

Those are the main ways to get Blood Bonds in Hunt: Showdown, as well as what you can use them for. If you’re after more tips and tricks for Crytek’s unique shooter, be sure to check out the links below:

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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