Will Froggy Chair be in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

As release nears, fans worry if Froggy Chair is in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Days away from Animal Crossing: New Horizons' release, Froggy Chair has still not been spotted in any of the game's preview footage. So the main question on fans' lips remains unanswered: is Froggy Chair in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Unfortunately, the most definitive answer we have at the moment is: not at launch. 

Dataminer OatmealDome on Twitter has had a rummage through the game's files before Animal Crossing: New Horizons officially launches on Friday. The game has already pre-loaded onto the Nintendo Switch of anyone who pre-ordered the game, allowing enterprising tinkerers like Oatmeal here to have a look at what we're getting with some specialist software.

The fact that there is no Froggy Chair file in Animal Crossing: New Horizon at launch isn't the end of the beloved furniture's time in the AC series, however, as there are many content updates planned for after the game's release.

We'll have our fingers crossed that Froggy Chair gets added to Animal Crossing: New Horizon after launch, but as it is at the moment you'll have to get your meme hits somewhere else. May we suggest Nook's Cranny?


Chris is the captain of the good ship AllGamers, which would explain everything you're seeing here. Get in touch to talk about work or the $6 million Echo Slam by emailing chris.higgins@allgamers.com or finding him on Twitter. 


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