The Computer Password in Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal is filled to the brim with little secrets and Easter eggs. Once you’ll run into in the Fortress of Doom is held behind a computer code in Doomguy’s own pad. It’s a bit awkward that he’s forgotten his own password, but then he doesn’t spend much time at his computer, really. Fortunately, it’s been figured out by those online already as a little nod to Doom lore, so in this guide we’ll teach you the computer password in Doom Eternal.

The Computer Password in Doom Eternal

© id Software

The Computer Password in Doom Eternal is FLYNNTAGGART. Wondering why Doomguy has this random name as his secret computer code login? No, it’s not his boyfriend, Doomguy only has love for the destruction of his demonic enemies. Flynn Taggart is actually the name of the hero of the old Doom novels from 1995. It’s never been confirmed that the name is canonically the same Doomguy as we play in the video game, but hey, it appears he’s at least heard of old Fly. Maybe there are multiple Doomslayers., or maybe it’s just id Software messing around with us. 

Enter the computer password in Doom Eternal and you’ll log in to find Doomguy only has two files on his PC: Doom and Doom 2. They weren’t available immediately upon release, but by now you might be able to play Doom and Doom 2 while you’re playing Doom Eternal. We heard you like Doom in your Doom. They’re still great games, though we’re not sure we’d want to play them entirely through within another game itself. Still, it’s a lovely little nod to the series’ past, and we may yet see more files crop up on Doomguy’s PC before Doom Eternal has run its course. Here’s hoping they’re all safe for work. Or at least safe for Hell.

More Doom Eternal guides:

With the computer password in Doom Eternal in your head, you’ve unlocked one more of the game’s many secrets. There are loads of little collectables and other nods to the past games spread throughout Doom Eternal, so have fun trying to track them all down!