How to catch Surgeonfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Quit swinging your rod willy nilly and hoping the fish of your dreams will turn up to take a bite. Catching rare fish like the Surgeonfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons takes knowledge and planning. Thankfully, we’re here to help! If you want to haul in the Surgeonfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, these are the details like months, time and price that you’ll want to know.

How to catch Surgeonfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

© Nintendo

The Surgeonfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons isn’t available all year round. This fish can only be picked up over a period of several months. Here are the full details on this bright blue fish:

If you're in the Northern Hemisphere and are reading this at the time of writing (in March) that means you need to wait until April to start catching the Surgeonfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, or use a sneaky bit of time travel to jump ahead.. This is also a Sea fish, so you won’t see it populating your island’s rivers. Look for smaller shadows in the sea around your island and you’ll be able to catch a Surgeonfish before long, as it's available at all times of day. 

Unfortunately, they’re not worth all that much money, so unless it’s for a fishing challenge or to donate to Blathers, we don’t recommend filling your inventory with them. They’re colorful though, which means they might make for a nice decoration inside your house as well, or even a gift for another resident!

Now that you’ve learned how to catch Surgeonfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you might want to check out our complete fish list to see all the other creatures you can catch from ocean, river and pond. Otherwise, head on over to our New Horizons game hub by clicking here for more guide, features and news.