How to save in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake

As you play through the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, the question of how to save may pop up. While the game uses an auto-save feature, it also boasts a manual save option for gamers who like to make doubly sure their progress has been stored. Wondering how this works? We’ve got you covered! Below, we’ve put together a guide explaining how to save in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

How to save in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake

The Final Fantasy 7 Remake has an auto-save feature and a manual save option to ensure you never lose your progress.
© Square Enix

When it comes to the question of how to save in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, there are a few options available to you. First, like most modern games, the Final Fantasy 7 Remake uses an internal auto-save feature to track your progress for you. Whenever you complete a chapter, finish a battle, and so on, the game will auto-save.

You’ll know the game is auto-saving when you see the auto-save icon appear at the top left corner of your screen. The auto-save is pretty intuitive, so you shouldn’t have to worry too much about losing progress if your game shuts off before you can manually save. Speaking of manually saving, the Final Fantasy 7 Remake does offer gamers a way to save outside the auto-save.

To manually save, you’ll need to first press the Options button on your controller. In the menu, choose “Save/Load” and then the “Save” option. You have several save slots to choose from. Select the one you’ve been using, or pick a new slot to use going forward, and then press X to confirm.

After the game finishes saving, you’re save to close the game and resume again in the future knowing that you’ll be able to pick up exactly where you left off. Again, the Final Fantasy 7 Remake uses an auto-save feature that’ll do most of the saving for you. If you want to be extra cautious, you can manually save by pressing Options, Save/Load, Save, picking a save slot, then X to confirm and save.

Now that you know how to save in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, be sure to check out our previous guide where we walk you through how long it’ll take you to beat the Final Fantasy 7 Remake and how many chapters it has.