All Fortnite Season 12 Midas' Mission Challenges

With the release of the Fortnite 12.40 update comes the ability to sift through the game’s files and mine additional details, including the Season 12 Midas’ Mission challenges. In total, there are 10 challenges for Fortnite players to complete in Week 9 and Week 10. Want to prepare yourself ahead of time? Here are all of the Fortnite Season 12 Midas’ Mission challenges!

All Fortnite Season 12 Midas' Mission Challenges

Twitter user @iFireMonkey datamined the Midas' Mission challenges for Week 9 and Week 10 in Fortnite.
© Epic Games, iFireMonkey

On Twitter, @iFireMonkey datamined information about the Season 12 Midas’ Mission challenges in Fortnite following the release of the 12.40 update. The Midas’ Mission challenges will reportedly become available in Fortnite starting next week on Thursday, April 23. The Midas’ Mission challenges will run during Week 9 and Week 10.

If you’re someone who enjoys completing all of the challenges as soon as they come out, we’ve got you covered with a cut-and-dry list of all the Season 12 Midas’ Mission challenges in Fortnite!

Midas’ Mission Challenges - Week 9

Midas’ Mission Challenges - Week 10

Again, the info comes courtesy of @iFireMonkey on Twitter. If you follow his account, you can stay up-to-date on other helpful Fortnite information like the Agent Peely’s Spy License challenge set and the Deadpool Week 9 challenges.

In total, Fortnite players can earn 40,000 XP for each Midas’ Mission challenge they complete, making it well worth taking the time to complete the tasks for Week 9 and Week 10.

Looking over the lists, a lot of them seem straightforward like searching Chests and collecting XP Coins. Of course, there are harder tasks listed as well like visiting specific locations in a single match as you’ll need to compete against other Fortnite players looking to do the same thing.

Overall, we’re extremely excited to dig in and complete the Midas’ Mission challenges, how about you? Let us know your thoughts on the Midas’ Mission challenges for Week 9 and Week 10 in Fortnite in the comments below!