Valorant pro settings list

There’s a reason the pros are the best. And yes, while those hundreds of hours of practice are certainly the defining factor, they also know how to set their game up properly. Copying pro settings can seem like a rather silly way to try and improve yourself, but it’s a great way to start if you’re not sure what you’re doing when it comes to DPI, sensitivity and crosshairs. Thanks to its impressive performance, visual settings are less important than ever with Valorant, so we won’t bother covering them below. Run the game with as high graphics as you can support while maintaining an FPS over 60. Oh, and make sure Vsync isn't turned on. Below you'll find the different pro settings for the mouse, crosshair and controls.

Valorant pro settings 

© Riot Games

Click the links below to jump to your favorite player so you can copy their mouse and crosshair settings.

Aceu Valorant settings



Brax Valorant settings



Hiko Valorant settings



Skadoodle Valorant settings



Stewie2k Valorant settings



Summit1G Valorant settings



We’ll do our best to add more pros to this list as we discover their settings. So if you’re after a different streamer/pro’s Valorant settings then drop a message in the comments below and we’ll hunt them down for you. Head to our Valorant game hub by clicking here to find more tips and tricks.