Unrailed max player count

Find our how many friends you can have helping keep your trains on track in Unrailed.

If you’ve picked up Unrailed during its free Steam trial, you might be wondering how many of your friends can band together to help guide those trains to safety. It takes a lot of work to keep those railroads intact so check the Unrailed max player count below before you invite some friends!

Unrailed max player count

Unrailed max player count
© Indoor astronaut

The max player count for Unrailed is four. Whether you’re playing online or local, you’ll be able to buddy up with three others into a maximum team of four. What’s especially generous about Unrailed is that you can mix and match local and online co-op, meaning you can have two players taking part on the same computer, while another two join in via online connection. This limit also holds true for Unrailed’s competitive modes, meaning two-on-two matches are the largest sizes you can compete with.

Unrailed even supports multiple players taking part on the same keyboard. That means you can feasibly have two friends or family using controllers while two more share keyboard space. You might need to get a little cozy to pull that off, however, so we wouldn’t recommend this setup for anyone who doesn’t enjoy invasions of personal space.

If you are planning on playing in multiplayer, it’s worth noting that the train speed increases when you add extra players. You’ll also find that you get in each others’ ways a lot more often, so it’ll take a bit of practice before you can achieve a smooth operation. Still, with a bit of practice, a team of four can prove a well-oiled machine capable of, er, keeping those machines well oiled!

That’s all there is to know about the Unrailed max player count, but if you want to master the game then you'll also want to click here to take a look at our full Unrailed PC controls!

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at henry@moonrock.biz, or catch him on Twitter.

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