HyperX helps launch BroadcastHER Academy fellowship program for women in esports

1,000 Dreams Fund, Allied Esports and HyperX extend the BroadcastHER initiative to 10 more fellows.

After the success of last year's BroadcastHER virtual summit, the 1,000 Dreams Fund, Allied Esports and HyperX are opening up a fellowship program to help more women get started in esports.

The BroadcastHER Academy will identify and support talented young women interested in pursuing careers in esports, whether that's in front of the camera, the keyboard or the big switchboard backstage.

The BroadcastHER Academy Challenge runs from February 2 to March 11, finding two winners a week from a pool of applicants to award fellowships to. The 10 chosen fellowships include a $1,000 microgrant to further their education and a 60-minute mentor session with an executive from one of the academy's partners by video conference.

Then, once it's safe to do so, the program will offer an all-expense paid trip for winners to visit a center of esports excellence for hands-on experience, including the HyperX Esports Arena Las Vegas to shadow the Allied Esports team.

The fellowship will provide upcoming talent with access to additional “pop up” opportunities with partners at live events, conferences, and tournaments, offering them project-based contract roles, internships, apprenticeships or even full-time employment.

Previous winners of BroadcastHER fellowships include newly minted Twitch ambassador EbonixSims and JadeValkyri3, who explains more about what the support of the initiative is like for someone looking to become a broadcast presenter in esports.

To apply to jumpstart your career in esports, you simply need to send in a photo that showcases the breadth and depth of your talent, commitment and interest in gaming or broadcasting as a career. To find more details of the BroadcastHER Academy Challenge head to the 1,000 Dreams Fund site and start thinking of ways you can get across your passion in picture form.


Chris is the captain of the good ship AllGamers, which would explain everything you're seeing here. Get in touch to talk about work or the $6 million Echo Slam by emailing chris.higgins@allgamers.com or finding him on Twitter. 


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